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i genuinely

| genuinely

wish my roommate would fucking DIE.

all they do is pile more stress and responsibility on me to the point i feel under financial servitude and no one deserves to suffer them

| have you tried journaling?

| Literally just kill them. Buy a sledge hammer and wait for them to fall asleep. Then smash their fragile little pussy skull in. Make sure to have your grip on the lower part of the handle while swinging for maximum leverage!
P.S. make sure to post video of the murder

| Cool.

| >>962523 i have a feeling that the gurls roomie would eventually find out

| yeah

| >>962554 wtf? far too messy and obvious. If they sleep with their door and windows closed completly think about simply gassing them when they sleep. As long as you find a good solution for the evidence it should be golden.

| >>962627 wym?

| >>962775
>far too messy and obvious.
Yes. that is the point

| can you move out?
I'm sure at least one g/u/rl needs a roommate

| >>962775 I have a hard agree with>>962831 .
Killing is an art to be expressed and a rose is not beautiful when it doesn't own space to bloom

| have sex with them

| Rape them violently

Total number of posts: 13, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1688895056

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