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Retired french nationalist, i want to move to Japan

| When i was 16y i started to be nationalist, i brought politics in every shape of my life so i lost friends etc. Everyday i was angry about the current state of France.

I'm 21 now and i traveled to Japan in january. Definitely a life changer. I'm going back to studies and i plan to be a software engineer in Japan.

I want to bring the most beautiful part of France in Japan. I don't want to be close-minded and disrespectful. I wish to be a better person.

| I'm still proud of my country and my culture but in a good way. I want to learn about other cultures, I want to meet people from all around the world.

| You guys lost every conflict and needed the British to help you or put you down

| apparently French culture is very appreciated in Japan. I mean, unless you're working in diplomacy, finance, the arts, or the restaurant business that might not mean much, but i'm sure if you put the work in and become a strong bilingual asset you will find your place there. ganbatte!!

| >>961944

no lmao

France both fought in kore conflicts than any other modern nation by far, as well as won more

there is a reason military terms are overwhelmingly based in french (soldier, general, brigadier)

also england would quite literally not exist (or would at the least be a Dabish protectorate) if not for France

if you wanna make fun of the French do it right or look the fool.

| I'm still pissed that France gave the FAMAS a 25 round mag w/ a 3 round burst

| Please dont come

| Stay the fuck away from all population centers

| >>05e195
I will.

| >>961941 based OP. Love for ones nation and people should never require hate for others.
Japan is sadly famous for not being exactly friendly to immigrants but I wish you the best of luck mon amie!!

| >>962225
My acquaintance actually changed his name to a japanese one after living there for 6 months and he let me chose the name. I picked Yoshi.

| >>b5051e
Hopefully I'm french and we are pretty well seen in Japan but I don't exclude some racism. I mean, I understand them, I was like that too. That's kinda "normal", I come to their country. I will never be Japanese.

| france is cringe af

| >>aa6801
Where are you from? We all want to laugh too.

| The chlenicks

| hollywood california

| >>962260 cope

| X to doubt on this thread. American weaboo coping seathing and crying.

| >21


| あなたの任務は黒人を殺すことです

| 黒人というより自分を殺すべきなんだ

Total number of posts: 21, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1688478829

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