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Ace Attorney Online

| Anyone actually heard of this place on here?

Just wanna know if anyone does. And if anyone wants to visit us.

| Aah, if anyone's actually interested in joining, then here.


| Ohh I haven't heard of Ace attorney online in a long time, I used to play it all the time, I gotta play it again

| I usually ruin the mood, don't advice me in any roleplaying

| Yeah.. usually the roleplays are weird to say the least. I usually just hang out on it, talk with friends.

Did a few rps back in the day, though. They never really ended well.. looking back on it, it seemed sorta 'cringe' the way I acted on those... never going back to those days :)

| As a sort of veteran to the place, yeah the communitys a bit wonky. But on the bright side, some servers are just hangout servers and not roleplay/case oriented ones.

| >>cad8b9 Veteran? What's your showname on it?

| >>692ff8 Blankpost. That's it that's the whole showname.

| Oh.

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1687200007

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