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My Cat is Sleeping on Top Me

| I know if I move I'll wake her up what do???

| You go to sleep until cat is not sleep it is the only option

| This is your grave OP. Rest happy.

| start wiggling around like you're having a seizure to freak her out.

| Try to sleep on top of her as well.

| This. Take top position asap to assert dominance. Or next thing you cat will be on top your car, your house, your money etc. Cats are territorial like that

| haha what if you like hehe tried to fuck the pussy haha

| >>958988 yes maid this comment right here

| >>958889 You now have the curse of binding. You are not allowed to move until your cat moves on its own

| People sucks
Muslims especially.

| >>959094 Ever been to Istanbul? Nobody likes cats more than the muslims.

| I guess people thinks you can do something so simply without any talent nor experience and especially

G for guidance.
G for good.

Whatever. The convenient fucks they have always been.

| What the fuck does any of this have to do with my cat

| >>959171 your cat has been the head of a cult all along! You may will want to try to ask to an exorcist first as it's not very common for a cat to do this sort of things on its own; and they may have been possessessessed from a long dead spirit of ancident and dark times!! WHAT A DISCOVERY! Quick put her in a museum if it turn out so!

| your cat has been posessed like puss in boots. when u notice her attraction to swords and top hats youd better call the exorcist

Total number of posts: 15, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1686612142

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