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Love is cringe

| Imagine being in love lol that is so cringe ewww

| What an astute observation. Have you got any more along that line?

| Yeah loving other people's overrated. Like just love yourself stupid??? LMAO

| I will love all of you g/u/rls for all of us <3

| filtered, love at its purest form is absolutely a blessing.
it last no time but it's so intense and FUCK NO, I'M NOT TALKING ABOUT ANYTHING SEXUAL!
The emotion of the true love is something that can carry you spirit up to whatever dream you wish for. It's clearness in mind what you get!

| >>958812 how do you know?

| ew cooties

| >>958807 idk g/u/rl that sounds gay :T

| >>958817 I fell in love once and I kept that feeling inside for a long time. I've managed to speak a little but I could've never commit to it. The more intense it becomes the more happy you feel. As long as who you love is someone you just like(idk it has to be THAT) and you don't need some sky rocket expectations, every small chats will matter.

| Every moment together will be a dear memory, but time will move so fast, it was a mistake to just enjoy the small moment, I've been coward my whole life so I get to deserve it. If the past could've beem changed I could've exchanged those moments to something else.
But I don't like living based on what society wishes. I hate to be chained down by other responsabilities. It was a clean bond cut and I should be fine with it by now

| damn this fucking burns me down. Love is just complex, I don't even understand it myself now but it certainly did gave me good things to look back for. I seriously I'm confused on it, it could be like so many things...

| zamn

| Fuck...

| well OP you are then the creation of cringe you seethetard cope smoker

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1686436725

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