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Favourite Niche Streamer/Youtuber

| And why do you like them?

| Magic Mush. His videos aren't always the funniest, but he's laid back and he covers a wide range of topics without getting too bogged down in details.

| TKGP streams nothing but lesser-known Russian STALKER mods, and is an oldfag within the community. Always a joy to tune in to.

| Rooftop_Noona

| Shadok

| thorhighheels

STICKS to game analysis while eschewing pseudointellectual political opining unlike the rest of breadtube, v informative, just a v distinctive and natural voice and very decent human being

| Pomu

| I want to say technology connections but I'm not sure he counts anymore

| TheMisterEpic

Makes Minecraft documentarys

| pew dee pie

| Glad Valakas

| Gumb0's Weird Corner
pretty niche small youtube channel

| >Under Dumb0's big Juicy Ear Flap
pretty obscure low subbed channel

| Sakura stardust is really good too.

| Our very own /d/loli is my favourite, of course!

| imakuni

| vinny vinesauce

Total number of posts: 17, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1686639796

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