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Best vpn list

| Because I am a single sameposting g/u/rl with 9000 vpns I thought that I would make a list of the best vpns!

| your own

| >>958716 *scared if my vpn is one of them*

| >Live in a country with big population
>Preferebly 3rd world country, so no one cares about digital right
>Bonus point if it had massive data breaches in the past 10 years, so glowies, ad companies, and haxorz would rather use the breached data than tracking you

There you go, 3 best criteria for VPN.

| I heard nord and surfshark are honeypots for alphabet agencies

| mullvad vpn: private actually, and has an onion site and you can pay in monero

ipred vpn: literally owned by a co-founder of THE pirate bay

| ipredator i mean

Total number of posts: 7, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1686459843

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