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how do you manage your time and schedules?

| how do you g/u/rls do it! I've been using a Bullet Journal based off of that one video from the guy who invented it, and it's been working pretty well so far. But I'm just curious as to how others manage their time and tasks and whatnot.

Link to Bullet Journal video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fm15cmYU0IM

| I just don't have fun and unplug from the internet. Also sleep is a suggestion at best.

| I do not, I get overwhelmed by my emotions and do nothing for the rwst of the day

| i do nothing for the rwst of my days

| >>958279 same

| >>958279 me too

| have no schedule, but keep strict records of what you do. then you will always be on time and following your schedule

| i have general goals but specific tasks

| >>958279 Same but I've been doing it for years

| >>958279 same

| >>958279 yup

| This is bascially what I tried doing several times in Highschool. The problem was It never actually got me to do the things I was scared of doing/overwhelmed by at the time I said them.
Still, keeping a non-productivity journal where shit was basically a sketch book+ just me venting was probably one of the best things I did in HS.
My current method is this then just slaping a todo list and week planner every couple of pages.

| This is bascially what I tried doing several times in Highschool. The problem was It never actually got me to do the things I was scared of doing/overwhelmed by at the time I said them.
Still, keeping a non-productivity journal where shit was basically a sketch book+ just me venting was probably one of the best things I did in HS.
My current method is this then just slaping a todo list and week planner every couple of pages.

| I generally keep the things a 3 things per day that I can do at anytime. I think the more simplified and loose I make, the more likely I am to actually routinely do these things. Vs trying to plan every hour of my life.

| >>958673
Yeah my log is also pretty lose, but maybe I should start using the unused space for laying down my thoughts on things. Journaling is supposed to be a reflective thing after all!

Total number of posts: 15, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1686244645

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