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Why do you drink coffee?

| I drink only Coca-Cola, Pepsi, RC Cola, or one from IKEA and so.. I can few times drink energy drinks as Red Bull, Monster or feel ok about type of drinks Fanta, Sprite.. From teas i only drink green tea, black tea, others usually taste bad.. same about ice tea + lemon is ok.. but idk how you can drink coffee, it's bitter too much

| i drink coffee because its just a shot of energy with no weird chemicals or stuff like sugar attached, thats why i like it black

| Because I wanted some kind of ritual in the morning like brewing coffee/tea and caffeine good

| Nightshift

| because addicted. Used to be like op

| Cause I got a caffeine addiction and it's the cheapest way to always have access to a fix

| I like the taste

| It gets me up in the morning

also OP you may want to look at lowering your sugar intake.

| Just add a dash of salt and becomes umami, if you can taste the salt you've put too much

| Cuz it tastes yummy

| taste is positive

| My job requires energy and I don't get that from sleep so I need a secondary source.

Total number of posts: 12, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1685262467

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