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my smell is gone after uninstalling dangeru.us


| Does this mean you cannot smell, or you do not possess a smell?

| maids took my smell
can't have shit on /u/

| >>957402 yea you better not. there is no toilet service here, and it'd be very annoying to let maid clean the shit on the floor.

| my logic is terrible today...

| >>957438 but there is a toilet. It's called /new/

| >>957485
but that's where the russians hang out. at the toilet of dangeru

| >>957486 someone make sure they don't try to steal our toilets like they do in Ukraine... Guard the washing machines too

| >>957361 yet, you came back to us

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1685046543

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