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Would you rather questions

| Would you rather pee a grape or shit a pineapple?

| I'd rather you not ask these questions while I'm eating

| >>956568 are you done eating now?

| Both of these sound like you would be going straight to the hospital...

| Personally i think I'd go for the pineapple

| The grape

| I'd rather shit a pineapple.

| Would you rather eat a razor blade and feel it going all the way down but not when it came out or feel nothing going down but feel it coming out?

| >>956617 Shit both sound horrible but I think I'd rather feel it coming out

| Would you rather fuck a goat once but nobody knows you did or not fucking a goat but everyone thinks you did?

| >>956545 1
>>956617 2
>>956625 2

| Please stope these fuckin questions
I can't take it anymore

| >>956652 Would you rather fuck the top half of Hulk Hogan with the bottom half of Emma Watson or the top half of Emma Watson with the bottom half of Hulk Hogan?

| >>956668 Either way I think there's half a body missing.

| >>88fa31 :>>956668 2

| Would you rather kiss my mouth or my ass?

| >>956732 Who wouldn't want to fuck an Emma Watson with muscular legs and a cock

| >>956751 your mouth

| >>956751 Rapidly approaching your location to kiss those lips. You'd better use chapstick.

| >>956757 i'm not gay but face is more important.. also.. hugs or unprotected hand holding is also sex

Total number of posts: 20, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1684559923

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