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Tomorrow will not come

| What should I do?

| Lie back and whats up

| If there is no tomorrow then why not do your absolute best since there is no tomorrow you can't put anything off you can't say "I'll just do it tomorrow" since there is no tomorrow

| Who caaaaaares, Baby???

| >>955672 this is the way gotta make sure you're hiscore is as high as it can be in whatever afterlife might exist

| Obamna

| >>955825 Soda!

| But Anny said there's always tomorrow . . . :(

| >>955668
Spend 10k years enjoying every permutation of the timeloop you're stuck in, then realize you have to be a better human being for tomorrow to happen to you

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1683905529

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