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| I've been scared to death all day. There's no reason for me to be scared, I guess my brain just doesn't work. I need a strong g/u/rl to come protect me.

| it's gonna be okay

| >>954980 even the strongest people get bouts of impending doom. You'll be ok fren! You're not weaker or need anyone to protect you. You've got this

| take a deep breath, get some water or some tea, and sit down someplace physically comfortable. i often try hard to see what i could be anxious or worried about, even in the slightest, and the repeat that everything related to that thing will align and be ok. it helps a lot.

| >>954980 *fucks your mouth*

| >>955053 *fucks YOUR mouth*

| *fucks my own mouth*

| >>955057 Real.

| >>88e137 real cringe

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1683447665

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