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Making a motorcycle

| I found a 60hp motorcycle engine for only $150. I don't think it would be too difficult to hook it up to a bicycle frame and then some further work to make it functioning. I don't know, do you think this could be a decent summer project?

| >>954943 for sure! I started a similar project with my dad a while ago. There's videos of others doing similar stuff, so definitely check those out. We welded our own frame and stuff so it was a bit more custom. Keep us updated OP!

| sounds like a cool idea, just be careful g/u/rl. dont hurt yourself

| Picked up the bike frame from a friend and started to clean it up. While doing this, I was wondering if I should use an electric motor instead. What do you think?

| >>954943 oh I saw someone irl yell and speed down the bicycle lane with something like this as a kid. Didn't realize this is a thing people did

| >>954967
I mean, you already have the other engine, maybe make the electric one the next project. Or just buy a Ducati Futa.

| >>955004
I haven't bought it yet. Also I think it would be a lot easier to go with electric.

| Can you read the art of motorcycle maintenance and tell us if it's fact

| >>954944 here. Any weekend progress g/u/rl? It was quite the process when we started out. wwwwww

| >>955410 Yeah! I spent the weekend cleaning the rust off the frame and giving it a fresh coat of paint. Honestly, the way it's going it'll just look like a beefed up ebike.

| >>955042 absolutely not. if a single piece breaks you have to pay lots of money. ice engines are also more intuitive, easier to work on and you can find spare parts easily

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1683532491

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