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I it really necessary to plug in a dick to have sex??

| I don't really like it. is there no alternative to have sex?

| are you inserting a plug into a dick, or inserting the dick into a socket?
because those are both wrong

| >>954281 is that a thing? dang...
I just meant the having a dick in...

| Have you considered that no there doesn't have to be a dick involved, and if you currently have one and don't really like it look for a glans vibrator lovense makes one named the gush and I think hot octopus has a few different ones then you could like do oral on your partner and let them control the vibrator with the app or something

| >>954294 that doesn'r sound like sex

| >>954297 oral sex doesn't sound like sex

| Hey this is supposed to be on /d/!

anyway op nah dick doesn't have to be involved in sex

| >>954305 yea

| >>954310 that sounds like a you problem

| "sex" just refers to any sexual action at the end of the day, so even if it doesnt seem conventional, sometimes that kind of spice is what makes things interesting

| >>954305
*Fucks your mouth*

| >>954305 >>954297 >>954308 >>954437
it all depends on what the definition of 'is', is.

| >>954277 vibrators

| >>954308 are you reddit moralist or pseudo discord moderator? You should be used for it already

| Nah. For a couple of reasons me and my partner can't insert, but we still have amazing sex. Just gotta explore eachother and be creative

| >>954277 easy alternative: be lesbian

| >>954277 Maybe you should update to sex 2, they completely removed the need of any genitals

| >>954668 wait god has finally released a sequel?

| >>954668 it's called drugs?

| >>954678 It's in early access though, so expect a few bugs

| >>954825 >bugs included
Guess now bugs fetish has to become popular. I can see that we needed GOD himself to make us illuminated about it.

| >she doesn't have a beta key for Sex3

| >>954662 No! You know how many god damn times I've fallen hard for a cool girl and found out she's lesbian?! It's the worst.
Literally now anytime i meet a girl who's cool and has similar interests/humor I know there's like an 80% chance she's lesbian. A lesbian gaydar if you will.

| >>954941 have you considered that you are actively converting people to lesbianism

| >>954941 its not a gaydar if you discover theyre lesbian after they tell you

also consider the above.

| >>954941 become a lesbian tgirl. simple as that


| >>954941 are you sure you aren't a lesbian yourself?

| >>954947 no they're lesbian before i meet them. I wish I was that powerful.

>>954949 you're just jealous of my lezdar
>>954956 no>3
>>954979 in a mans body yes

| >>954968 *disintegrates*

Total number of posts: 30, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1683256071

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