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Learning twitter lingo for pussy

| Or act like them. It's gonna be worth it gurls.... I just have to nail it TRUST

| Good luck oomfie /srs

| don't stick crazy in you, g/u/rl.

| weirdo behavior but hey, good luck.

| making me listen to some songs now that I kinda vibe to anyway. It's giving

| is anybody who uses twitter a lot even worth fucking? i avoid those people like the plague

| someone come help me with set my tumblr up?

| >>954473 I became acquainted with a very attractive girl there and we exchanged pms briefly. The convo died and it has been a year. I have contemplating to message her again but she has a bf, I think. Should I bother send a message to see what happens? I need more friends, pretty friends

| >>954479
then cultivate the attractiveness you seek in yourself and help others, and you will be surrounded by love, joy and happiness.
But sek friends merely for their physical attractiveness, then you invite ruin and discord to reign over your life.

| >>954473
are you a 20-something influencer?
otherwise no.

| >>954475 i can recommend you sidebar template from defaults

| purr

| gonna try a bit more idk

| >>954498 I mean, she's a nice person as well. I don't befriend toxic people as that would be counterintuitive.

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1683037671

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