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I dare you

| To bring 600k shit comments on my art.

And not get it banned ofc.
Also from tons of different peoples.

| since you didn't post a link, I made 600k positive, uplifting comments to encourage new artists.

| >>954271 ... that just means you are retarded isnt it?

| >>954271 also unintelligible. I thought by now you should know where to find me.

How disappointing. Actually dumb and hilarious. Lel

| >>954271 >new artist
Oh great now you just ran them towards the valley of death with your dumb useless nonsense and unproven bullshit just to make yourself look good and funny. Boy. Now you ll be stuck with me alone while everyone else fell to your death, completely in your benefit too, s a leeching amateur. How s that to you

| You are able to use your unlimited supply of ranch to sell ranch dressing as under the market rate, giving you a de facto ranch Monopoly. You need only pay for the bottles to put it in, and no plants or animals are needed, saving the earth precious resources. Most of the sale price of every bottle would be pure profit.

| I remember saying "no we can't" to the Bob the Builder theme song. That's where the darkness in me began. The malice, the hatred. It was all from that moment.

| >>954304 >>954307 ... i m not in the ranch business.

Ever, to add.

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1682907969

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