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personality traits you have inherited from your family


| mental illness

| >>733d14
Same fuck

| Undiagnosed ADHD

| irritable nature from my mum
cleanliness and neatness from my gran
a sharp fucking tongue from my older siblings
a cocky, cheerful demeanour from my da

| Hardworkingness from father and manipulativeness from mother. cultural sense from siblings. Pretty normal.

| I act as psychopath but inside i'm baby who wants be dominated.. idk maybe bpd or something

| ADAH, schizoid personality disorder, a deep seeded sense of paranoia, and masochism.

| Aspergers, and the want to fake mental illnesses like my mother does on tik tok

(as much as i want to say its entirely a joke, i despise that she actually does that)

| >>954692 >>954699 or this xd

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1683084992

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