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I'm a teacher, AMA

| Just not how depressed I am pls thank you :)

| I hate teachers

| How much homework do you set?

| How do you handle failing students?

| Can you teach me about boys' parts?

| how often do you teach sexual education?

| Are you having lewd fantasies with your students?

| OP will will never answer.

| You teach kids and they graduate, making progress with their life. Meanwhile, after they graduate, you will have to do it all over again for the next batch for kids, repeat until you retire or kill yourself... can you tell us the meaning of insanity?

| >>953518 nooooo we need answers

| have you ever shot a kid? because that's a thing that's happened now!

| stop being one immediately, i beseech you
t. former teacher

| Thoughts on gpt?

| certificated classic /u/ AMA thread!

| >>372b35 bare minimum and focus on the bright ones, if im lucky theyll drop out and bring up class average

| >>953499 im a teacher, i dont know what that is

| >>953505 no

| >>953523 the real fun is setting goals and conducting psychological experiments on them that only you know about. Currently working on turning an autistic student into chris chan

| >>953549 not yet

| >>953554 what other opportunities are there when being a teacher is a dead end, please help i want out

| >>953518 sorry was at work

| >>953490 sometimes i eat the homework of students i hate then gaslight them into thinking they never gave me it, so i can give them detentions

| I take back the certification you're an outlaw!!

| >>953678 a real blessing

| >>953490 OH IT SAID SET NOT EAT, not much, just follow the school policy amount, you forget that its more time out of my day spent marking it, fuck that

| >>953646 work smarter not harder

| >>953496 kyaaa desu nya

| Why are you corrupting the youth with communism

| >>953700 not me hi sorry that would take more planning time and id rather have my free time than spend it showing why communism is teh bestest ideology evaaaa!!! And if you hate karly marxy uwu you a DIRTY FUCKING FASH bash the fash!!!! I do sneak chris chan references in sometimes tho

| >Sneak Chris Chan references in
I can't wait for your students to suddenly realize this in like 10+ years. Hopefully they'll post about it online and find an entire community of Chris-Chan PsyOp'd students.

Total number of posts: 30, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1682637908

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