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this ear ringing is crazy

| feels like my left ear got raped.

| I raped your left ear my bad g/u/rl

| If you were at a concert or something it'll probably go away in a day or two

If you've had it for a few weeks get used to it, you have tinitus and there's no fix for it

| >>953300 OP here. yeah ik. i'm fucked. the ringing comes when it's very very quiet.

| >>953301 yep same, I've noticed it gets louder if you think about it

Try playing music or something I usually have some jazz or rain sounds when trying to sleep helps both drown it out and gives your brain something else to focus on

Generally just make peace with it there's nothing anyone can do and the only thing they can do is help with mental things to help it not bother you as much but it'll never go away

| anyone else suffering from tinnitus i can vouch for the above post. good advice.

| Welcome in tinnitus club

| big fan of tinnitus, personally

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1682496454

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