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Me n her

| I started seeing someone the other day. I hope that things turn out well between us. We have been busy these days but I plan on going somewhere together next weekend.

| there are some great recommendations in /u/ if you're planning to take her on a movie date. good luck and have sexy fun!

| >>953176 good luck OP! Hope you 'n' your cutie work out! ( ^.^)/

| I have bad attachment issues from when i was young so I'm really nervous not to screw this up and come off as clingy or suffocating. How should I approach her about a date? I don't want to seem needy.

| >>953204
approach her casually, and say, 'hey, I'm going to do (insert fun thing you both like to do), want to go together?' if she says yes, it's a date. if she says no, you've still got something fun planned

| >>953176 how many times did you two had sex?

| >>953204 I'd probably open up about that but I've also never actually been in the dating scene and my partner and I both have very similar issues and got together because we were friends taking about our issues so ymmv

Total number of posts: 7, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1682486422

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