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How do you set expectation in friendship

| Plz sis i dont want fucku i just wanna play guilty gear

| I am going to fake being in a relationship, ez everytime

| you WILL have a town inside you and you WILL like it

| dont make up things youre gonna regret it

| Become polyamorous and gross them out

| Setting boundaries is super important g/u/rl!

| >>953116
୨୧(̷ ̷〇̷ ̷﹏̷ ̷〇̷ ̷)̷୨୧

| >>1c5e96
Yes, I will make it omega clear this time.

| wearing a ring and talking about your significant other helps.
so does setting boundaries in a clear, intelligible voice, and then asking if they understand.
that said, who are you maining?

| >>c77e90

| I don't need your sympathy
Why won't anyone leave me alone?

| >>953177 laughing in abandonment
Tbh people who i talk usually are having really strong personal borders.. i admire them somehow.. and than is me who would on random idea to being cat i would nya xd
>>953232 what about wear neko ears and neck bell?

| >>953251 i wish you'd abandon this board too

| >>953253 nope just leave yourself, i'm here over 4-5 years and i won't listen some random

| >>953257 No wonder /u/ was always so shit.

| The easiest way to set expectations and/or boundaries is just to remember the word "No" exists, and that its perfectly okay to use it.

Total number of posts: 16, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1682440216

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