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50k challenge

| I will give you 50k if you can divide this number..

1. you can't divide it by 1
2. you can't divide it by
3. only whole numbers are allowed

| can you explain it as if I was 4 years old?

| 2305843009213693951/1556=1,481,904,247,566,641

| Please translate it to Indonesian, so 50k-chan can participate

| >>952316 if it was for example number 33, you can divide it by 11, result is 3, but you can't divide it by 10 because it's 3.3

>>952322 /1556=1.4819042e+15, so nope

>>952332 Saya akan memberi Anda 50k jika Anda dapat membagikan nomor ini..

1. Anda tidak boleh membagi "1"
2. bilangan tersebut tidak boleh habis dibagi dengan sendirinya
3. hanya bilangan bulat yang diperbolehkan

Saya akan memberi Anda 50k jika Anda dapat membagi angka ini ..

| >>952368 OP, are you dumb? e+15 means you move the decimal place 15 numbers to the right.

| Yes

| Op did you learn about prime numbers in school today *head pats*

| >>952601 i was always bad in math honestly.. but~ thank you for your headpats *hugs you* i was just googling some math things and i had idea that it can be cringe thread

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1682129605

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