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do all people run away from something

| does everyone
what is it youre running away from
why dont you face it

| this is a question to reach depression, are you feeling alright?

| >>952144 im projecting
i go to this site in a pinch

| >>952145 damn, you've got yourself straight. stay cool and take your time to refect and what you're missing on.
if you're not feeling to do anything just let yourself lay down.
pick yourself up only when you see some motivation and grind that shit once it happens.

| The realization that I don't actually care about helping people so much as I desperately need them to tell me I'm a good person to feel better about myself despite how horrible I am

| nothing, except for a deep indescribable sadness ive been ignoring

| Title is a good fucking quote

| My fear, but i can event point out what i am fearing

| Spiders. Screw that soykof.

| because I have no one to trip to distract the bear

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1681969033

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