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IRC or BBS/Forum?


| yes

| what's with all these lame-ass threads where OP is too scared to share his opinion. put some effort into it, willya?

| OP here, fuck it. i grew up using forums very very early. usually on ones dedicated to games and niche things. i like that i have time to give respond.

| i was actually very active with things like discord and skype at one point. now i just stick to a few irc channels instead.

| >>950410 post feet pics

| Forums for sure. Having thoughtful conversation was always neat, rather than just this constant barrage of essentially instant messaging platforms. Pretty much all platforms are meant to be used such that you don't spend more than 30 seconds thinking of a tweet/comment/post. But back in the forum days, users often spent a half hour to a day crafting the right response to a given post. The thoughtful nature of discourse was nice.

| That said, one of the forums I used had a live chat on the main page. The mix of having that open in one tab to chat with users in real-time while I and they created out forum posts was a good combo. You'd write a bit of your post, and when you got stuck, you'd tab over and respond to anything someone might have said in the live chat, then tab back to the drafted post and keep working on it.

| Does this have to be an either/or question? I grew up using both. A forum would also have an IRC channel, and they'd both compliment each other. Whatever you posted on the forum was your public face, while you'd use the IRC channel to talk smack about nonsense. (Not unlike a Discord server, though a bit more civilized.) I think it was a good equilibrium.

| >>950437 no.
>>950454 just which one u prefer more.

| >>950454
This, but I always gravitated more towards the IRC channels.

We turned one of our IRC channels into a forum with an accompanying association so we could get money from the state to do IRL meet ups and booths at conventions and stuff. Good times.

| >>950456 armpit pics then

| >>950515 pay me first.

| >>950516 guess I've gotta be hardcore then. Hand pics

| >>950516 in particular where you hand is doing h*ndholding

| your*

| h-hey now don't you think that's too far?

| >>950522 Absolutely NO! I'm death serious and I want them.

| least down bad g/u/rl

Total number of posts: 19, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1680908025

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