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Why is the mod talk unclear

| Guess it never had problems in life
Like a puny snowflake

Such crybaby
Much american dotting

Eat your own fucking meds
So sorry you cant even show the fucking receipt you illiterate mongrel


| Fucking worthless Nazi

Guess you got no better knowledge but choking people with drugs and shitty arguments
Hell you cant even produce a useful sentence without rubbing your own inward cocks because nobody else would

And it has to be medical advice because you are just average addict with zero fucking education on anything else


| Waste of fucking life. Not even 4chan wants to hire you so you had to open your shit sweatshop of a site only to use pixel fonts like a fucking 5 year old

Kill yourself you dog

| Too much of a snowflake to accept any defeat too

This place is truly made from mongrel to mongrel

Fuckin loser

| lol

| lmao, even

| I mean, there is some skill in this. An uncanny one but it's pretty impressive to me.

| >>949986 >>949987 >>949989 ok tc ladies and..ladiesmen

Pls tell the mod to join ur creed with his vocabulary

| roru
What kind of thread is this?

| >>950081 OP got banned for making a bunch of the same threads and schizoing out. Now they're cussing out the maids, lol.

| >>950087 >they
is there something you should tell?

| awful thread.

| niggers

| She talks like this

Using words that nobody uses in natural conversation

Probably ELS using machine translator or thesaurus

Get angry when gurls call her schizo or Indonesian

And then proceed to call everyone a nig or fag

Sentence incoherent, only she knows what she is talking about

Angry post but then make a new thread asking about "advice" after 3 days, most likely after she fogot to take her pills

The 50k experience

| lmao

| This is just sad, ngl

| >>950169
there's a lot of sad weirdos on this site, you know what i'm sayin'?

| >>950170 Gotcha, you're talking about me! :DD

| Is this a copypasta?
I'm gonna need the less cringe version

| KekL

Total number of posts: 20, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1680942474

This thread is permanently archived