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Kiwi Farms

| I question why is the farms has a rule that you have to be 18+. The whole website acts like edgy middle schoolers who act like their Xbox has been taken away for a week. Like it’s common sence that you shouldn’t drive people to suicide because you have a disinterest of them.

| Maybe teens shouldn’t be edgy like them since they make impulsive decisions

| Err… easy to be influenced

| >why is the farms has a rule
did you have a stroke, do you need us to call 9/11
>that you have to be 18+
it panders to the manchild audience
also i already know you're going to post screencaps from this thread on kiwi so fuck clean off

| kiwis are ok kinda sour tho prefer grapes honestly

| Sorry for acting like an asshole

| hey didn't we already get confirmation that kiwi wasn't the cause of that suicide

| huh

| ugh, hope kiwi doesn't raid /u/ now

| >>949612 don't jinx it

| Why do you care about a forum made by bunch of retards?

| >kiwi does an exposé on 50k-chan and Pomu

Total number of posts: 12, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1680583931

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