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Some of you never watched mind-raping gore and scarring extreme shit which made you go "THAT's the issue you're whining about???" and it shows

| damn i like em long ass titles ;)

| my thread sucks and that's fine :)

just post the dumbest thing you can think of and stop being such a self-serious whiney...

| >she's not a self-serious shitposter
rookie irony layer numbers
pump up those numbers

| what are you talking about?

| bold of you to assume that I'm not a fan of mind raping gore g/u/rl it's one of my favorite subgenres

| what kind of loser shizo thread is this lol

| what was he cooking?

| >>949562 mind raping gore obviously

| you mean most people weren't exposed to extremely viloent and distressing content before they were old enough to handle it?
I can still see the live beheadings and burning tires, but I no longer laugh. Learning empathy again was tricky.

| huh

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1680488835

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