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do any of you exercise


| your mom helps me exercise my hips with her mouth

| Yup, for about 5 months now. I go 6 days a week.

| Used to cycle around the neighborhood every morning or so. Can't really do that anymore where I live now.

| I've been following the couch to 5k routine from a femboy aesthetic guide
Just finished week 3 (*´▽`*)

| I'm trying to do compound lifts but I always drop give up if too tired or experience too much resistance

| >>949297
yeah pretty much everyday with a mix of cardio and resistance training rn (cuz im bulking)

| exercising in the gym a few months ago, but not much cuz I'm fat as fuck and my body can barely make it.
still going but like 3 days in a week for now

| >>949359 I know which one you're talking about. Oh my god, does it actually work?

| >>949385 I'm too early in to tell. Don't see why I shouldn't try tho lol

| that's cool

any resource to help get started? i've only been eating less but im clueless with exercising

| >>949423
Google the couch to 5k routine and download an app to help you get started. I used the one on f-droid when I started out a couple of years ago. https://f-droid.org/en/packages/nl.ttys0.simplec25k/

If you got income to spare I recommend you buy yourself some decent running/jogging shoes, your legs will thank you for it. Make sure you run on soft ground and try to avoid running on asphalt if possible.

| It's fine if it takes longer than 9 weeks to run 5k, it did for me. If you can't finish the routine for a day then repat that routine the next session until you got it.

Bonus: I don't know what kind of music you're into but this EP always got me hella pumped up and gave me the energy to run longer and faster than I normally do. https://youtu.be/cd4WUupTWXo

| ^ I agree with this
whatever your routine is having music to pump you up is a plus. for me it's almost required

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1680450574

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