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Hydration check!

| Yes, it is I! The CEO of the Hydration Foundation! I have arrived here to perform one civil duty, and that is to ensure all of you adorable g/u/rls are drinking water. Other non-alcoholic drinks earn a pass as long as you occasionally drink water, and alcoholic drinks are fine for our dwarven kin. Thank you for taking a moment to stop in this thread to hear our messae, dont mind the contrarians that will leave hydrophobic messages in our sacred thread, and have a wonderful day!

| *fucks your mouth*

| >>949092 *sips cup of water*

*fucks your mouth*

| By the way, cum is not considered proper hydration by the Foundation. Just thought I should put that out there.

| >>949094 I was on the foundation's side until this message.

| The Foundation respects your interests, but does not need the support of the /d/ residents. We may agree to disagree and live peacefully apart.

| I actually enjoyed a big ass cup of tea. that does count as a good hydration, I suppose?

| >>949106 based water enjoyer

| drinking 2-4L water daily since i just pretty much sit all day. a little annoying that it means i need to piss every 45mins

| >>949107 Tea is perfectly accepted by the Foundation! Thank you for taking care of yourself and making the world a better place by sticking around. You're awesome!

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1680219910

This thread is permanently archived