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i hate talking about my feelings

| because sometimes the other person would give advice, simple solutions that could just work. even if they don't give advices, i figure it out myself anyway

| i just hate how it makes it all seem so simple and it sucks that it's true. if it was so simple why does it feel like shit

| because you have brain problems.
go see a doctor

| Women don't want solutions, they want their emotions validated. Being told how to solve the problem thus makes you feel like your emotions aren't valid, hence mental anguish.

| i don't like to talk about my feelings because it reminds me of how i do not deserve to exist

| same. but really just cause i've thought about this shit way too much it's like i get PTSD when i write something very personal.

i know that sounds retarded but i cannot word it better atm. i just hate writing/talking about personal shit.

| >>946918
stop that. you deserve to exist even if you don't think so this very moment, gurlfriend. i'm rooting for you.

Total number of posts: 7, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1678900894

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