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Danger/u/ is still alive?!

| Whats up G/u/r/l/s its been like...2 or 3 years since I last checked this site. Christ I didn't know people still use it or that its still up. Did anything exciting happen on here or has it been mostly dead

| it's all me

| Welcome back g/u/rl! ( ^.^)/

| No idea since I am new here, hello.

| The only thing keeping me going is the possibility that all the danger/u/ is dead threads are made by the same person

| dead

| >>946535 this stop lying to yourself, myself.

| I hate niggers

| >>946588 stfu

| Danger/u/ is immortal.

| This textboard is dead of course, because they are all dead inside

| don't open, dead inside

| >>946625 don't dead, open inside? Uhhm, okay! *opens*

| it's been wild & crazy since you've been gone

| You missed pomu, -9, and elona spam while you were gone

| >>946696 *fucks youur mouth*

| >>946696 *fucks your mouth*

| We get one of these posts like every week I swear to god

stop coming back to the website saying "oh this website is still alive?" of course it is, you prick, because its a good website. Why do so many of you act like a site will die just because you stop looking at it for like 5 seconds. Do you g/u/rls fail to develop object permenance or something?

| Well I hope this site won't die. It look kinda cool. Beside less users mean, it won't be a money issue for admin to host this site anymore.

| >>946774 sis we get like 3 posts a month and the database still shits itself all the time

| >>946773 yea..

| >>946773 people probably think that since all the other boards are essentially dead I remember when /a/ used to have tons of discussions and shit but now it can barely keep 3 topics up sometimes you can't really blame people for thinking this shit will go under sooner or later

| >>946824 huuuh.. captcha are hard, uguuu~

| >>946825 fucked up but true

Total number of posts: 24, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1678843710

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