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i glad fruits are real

| they taste so good.

| whats your favorite. mine's orange

| nobody tell her

| >>946420 just because you're a brighter shade of yellow ID doesn't mean you can be mean

| >>b9a422

| what the fuck

| :(

| >>946432 you're the one who believes that plants would just make tasty snacks for you of their own volition
wake up, sheeple

| oh and before i hear any of your "reproduction" arguments
you mean to tell me whenever you eat an orange, some tree half across the globe is all *fucks your mouth*
how much crack must you be smoking to be buying this shit smh

| >>946459 who says i buy them?
>of their own volition
i literally give life to these plants. they have to bear fruits for me or else :)

| >>946404 tru

| they're pretty damn amazing.

| pineapple clears your favorite btw.

| >>946462 that's kinda cute, i wish someone would make me do things for them and kill me if i didn't do well enough. my favorite are honeycrisp apples.

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1678680441

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