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"search" is scary..

| I just tried find two specific post with quote purpose.. but instead finding them i found there few my old posts or posts what i was reading in past.. should i have leave this place?

| lmao.

| about quotes.. i didn't found them sadly.. but if someone remember or would want to try.. i remember there was these..

1. it was thread about 3 g/u/rls reference on board, if i'm not wrong.. and someone combined it with "don't hug me i'm scared" where was somehow modified version of quote "There's him, and you, and me!"

2. this one is older, it was another thread where was talk about 3 g/u/rls and rest bots.. and it was little funny, but i miss it.. my guess is 2019-2022? idk

Total number of posts: 3, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1678308671

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