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I have started believing in the time cube unironically. Send help.

| Once I have realized the plurality of the human spirit, I realized that Gene had, despite his rambling, eugenics-ridden schizophrenia, a really good idea.
Of four simultaneous days corresponding to the four simultaneous natures of the human experience. The man was an engineer, of course he knew enough math to understand that a cube has six sides.

| What are the fifth and sixth side, then?
They are the sides of evil, maladjustment, the anti-nature lifestyle that must be isolated to a barren planet.
Two poles in which the entirety of the DSM can be inscribed.
The fifth and six sides are where the suicidal, overexploitative masterminds of the capitalist system live, hoping for infinite growth within a confined cube-space.

| Of course Gene would rather not speak about them. He was too busy talking about races, as if races were real. A failed prophet like many others.
Technology will not save us. The cube will save us. Minds must see the time cube that eyes cannot comprehend.

| Fuxkin time cube.

| if you think that's believable, I have a Basilisk of Roko's to sell ya

Total number of posts: 5, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1677635629

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