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Time Capsule

| Add one object of your choosing to my virtual time capsule. From candy to a pipe bomb, anything you want. I'll come back later to open it and see what you g/u/rls leave for me(and totally won't draw it[shut up im out of ideas]).

| a single usb drive with cookie's bustle on it.

| the recipe for agent orange printed and stapled

| copper

| A tactical toad. Also to clarify, the animal, not the Mario character.

| *fucks your capsule*

| CD with VA-11 HALL-A

| USB with 10 GB of jokes and memes

| A smoke bomb that will fire once you open the capsule, and whose smoke has a strong aphrodisiac effect

| The best of /u/ fundraiser cassette

| Song-chan's Danger/u/ album

| a tiny bottle of scotch and a travel bible

| Put another time capsule inside the time capsule

| Pref

| My save drive which i used for PS2 Slim (my PS2 is sadly broken).. people will be confused a lot when will they open it.. but now when i see this thread.. i really wish to be on real time capsule event and come back after 20-50 years

| My cum

| My Mari Ohara Nesoberi

| >>944045
Okay well since no one else will a tactical toad, and yes the character from mario

| >>a4baa8 *shoves my entire arm up your ass and flexe*

| >>944439 i'm putting a top hat on the toad

| tactical toad army is strong

| cat

| Neckflap

| A dangerous sealed flask containing dihydrogen monoxide. Also a sticker of a cute bear on it.

| >>944539
dihydrogen monoxide
are you /trying/ to kill the future?!?

| Breast expansion potion

| breast reduction potion

| My murder weapon of a girl back in september 1993, her blood soaked amber hair never leaves my dream

| Dick growth pills

| My razor blade?

| >OP here, the morning after opening the capsule.
I opened the capsule yesterday, and my memory is hazy. All I know now is that my room is a total mess in multiple ways, theres a mushroom lookin' fella with a top hat saying he's hunting an imposter hiding somewhere in my room, lots of media storage devices, a lot of white fluid which I dare not touch, weird elixers and pills including one with a bear sticker, another capsule that I'll leave alone, and a bunch of stuff in the liquid.

| I asked the mushroom guy what happened yesterday, but he refuses to comment on it. The cat thats here is cute and really cuddly, but the mushroom man gives me a really funny look whenever I pet the cat as if I did something to it before searching under my bed for the 13th time.
Alas, thanks for the cat g/u/rls!
...though I have a feeling that I'll definitely have to buy a bunch of spare cleaning supplies if I decide to do this again.

Total number of posts: 32, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1678004362

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