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| ask me if your extremely personal problems are your fault or not!! <3

| I think I'm a closet racist. what should I do

| >>943701 it's okay to be in the closet sweetie, you're valid!! you'll find the right time to come out eventually but until then it's your fault and must kill yourself!! <3

| >>943701
don't worry bro don't listen to this double nigger

| One person online maybe died because i wasn't care about her enough.. and i was just closed in myself.. now i try to found out if is fine or not and shitposting in /u/..

| >>943720 aww :( it's not your fault!! you absolutely weigh no value to some internet personality you chose to simp over <3

| sped thread.

| I have a 20~gb collection of gurl crying, including paid ones(generally around 500 yen) how do I make people start the same hobby as mine?

| >>943722 teehee>v<
>>943729 WOAH that's a lot!!! but it's your fault you even pay for some of that... just show your collection to girls to make them cry!

| >>943733 I was trying my hand at LDR(long distance relationship) with multiple gurl at once since last year, even tho I have an IRL GF! And it was such a rush!! But finding a new gurl is such a pain in the ass. (I mostly get bored of them by the end of the week) and have to find a new one;-; it's their fault for being so tranparent and predictable not mine right? Bestie??

| >>943751 ur SO right queen!!

| I hate myself and I want to die, but my life never gets better because I get off on making it worse.

| >>943835 Try jumping in front of a train.

| I love sex.

| I love y/u/ri too <3

| >>943835 not your fault, of course <3 rooting for you!

| >>943855 boring :(
>>943859 FUN!! <3

| This jury is terrible...

Total number of posts: 18, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1677533398

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