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Back after many years

| Hey everyone,

I used to check on this little project from time to time back when it was first created.
Now years later seeing that it's all still here and active honestly made me choke up a bit.

Va11halla is a lovely game, playing that back in high school probably influenced me more than I knew.

I guess I don't really have a specific topic but here's your opportunity to talk about literally anything :). Share your passions and projects, Struggles and problems. I want to listen.

| What led you back to this hellhole filled with horniness?

| What led you back to this hellhole filled with horniness?

| wsg


| >>942809 Just curiosity really. Recently a friend reminded me of a story that was written on here back in the day about a guy wanting to fuck his mom.

Prompted me to browse here again.

It sure is still as horny as ever

| Welcome back g/u/rl! ( ^.^)/

| >>942800 Do you fear death?

| met my gf here . so epic ! sugoi

| my problem? n1rv ann-a is literally never going to come out.

| Everyone is so horny and sad here and I want to fuck them all :)

| >>942918 hiiiiiii

| >>942926 unf

| >>942918 so true

| >>942950 unf

| >>942833
there's another one I remember, g/u/rl was in love with her brother or something, I think she confessed but he had a girlfriend?

| >>942906
hey, it still might!
just gotta have hope and support the devs.

| >>c340c4 unf

Total number of posts: 18, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1677075940

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