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literally shut the fuck up

| literally shut the fuck up literally shut the fuck up literally shut the fuck uo literally shut the fuck up literally shut the fuck up literally shut the fuck up literally shut the fuxk up literally shut the fuck up literally shut the fuck up literally shut the fuck up literally shut the fuck up literally shut the fuxk up literally shut the fuck up literally shit the fuck up literally shut the fuck up i am so fucking exhausted of this pointless bull shit >:(

| you dont have to talk if you have nothing to talk about you pointless fucking cunts just literally shut the fuck up

| there is no fucking reason for thos constant unending voidshit just shut the fuck

| i am going to kill your dog with hammers

| No
Also i hate dog what my family have, so do it

| >>942795 stop posting until you learn english you third world shitpost

| ???

| elona.

| >>f637d0 why don't you do that yourself? You know, since you have nothing interesting or relevant to say


| No You. Baka

| Its probably a vent.

| No. dumdum

| >>942808 newg/u/rl doesn't know you're supposed to tag by post number and not ID.

| >>0fe827 >/u/
>supposed to do anything
spot the fake oldg/u/rl

| >>942796 No, fuck you, stop posting until you learn any other language than your native

| Elona

| I love sex.

| sex is for faggots

| elona

| >>942870 svenska är mitt modersmål retard, stay mad

| Dogs are alright. They can be told to shut up.

| >>942962
with lead

| >>942964
yeah, you attach the lead to the collar and go for walkies.

| make me <3

| >>942817 like in amongus??!!?!

Total number of posts: 26, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1677183616

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