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how do you calm down?

| im waiting for something, anything could come out of it. i'd masturbate, but i haven't been in the mood for that. listening to loud music--not working. holy fucking shit

| i don't
i am permanently stressed
please assist

| >>942621 yeah but on short-term(?) stress, the ones that has an immediate effect :(

| Sleep

| Sex

| scream, it's free.

| https://dialecticalbehaviortherapy.com/distress-tolerance/tipp/

| I used to be very anxious and stressed, now I am less so. I was doing daily meditation at one point which taught me how to control my mind. Now I do breathing exercises when I notice myself getting anxious and that helps.
>which ones?
One version is 4 seconds in, hold 4 s, out 4s, hold 4 s, repeat.
Another is to breathe naturally/slightly more deeply. Watch the breath, listen to sounds around you. Your thoughts are background noise also, let them flow by and don’t grasp.

| scream into your pillow, then take a hot bath/shower

| >>942650
I'm only allowed one scream a day into the ceremonial screaming pillow.

| >>942620 by sucking a dick or something.

| drugs

| Suck a fat cock

| >>942834 real

| Anxiety blockers, if i can't calm down by other means. I got Atarax prescribed to me, makes me biochemically unable to feel stressed/anxious. or just nicotine and alcohol if you can't bother lmao

| Either extremely violent or extremely calm video games work for me

| seeing this thread reminding myself few months ago, where i was waiting for my whole life to run away for the environment I was in.
try to ask yourself what makes it so important, and accept that you will be worrying even though it hurts.

| make sure you takes care yourself well

| elona

| Music, hard rock and shouting the lyrics jumping up and down.

Total number of posts: 20, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1677073566

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