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Yall millennials

| 1. always hype about sexual topics.
2. depression.
3. gay.
4. shitty internet jokes.

Love yall.

| >>942112 i genuinely hate millenials

| you only got 50% right!

| so i only love you 50% back

| only love about the depression part

| >>942112 i'm not gay, but femboy with femdom kink~ but yes i'm fuckin yoomer

| >>942198 fcucking millenial!!!!!!!!!

| >>942315 may you can fuck me~

| I feel sorry for them.
they were convinced that the future promised by the 90's would come true.
And now the future they were raised and prepared for no longer exists...

| >>942547 but.. what future of 90's was supposed to be?

| >>942564 It doen't matter anymore, they're were and are even more lazy to even try it.

| You mistake the GENEs for the SCENE, go back and play metal gear cracker

| What is a millennial?

| >>942678 (You)

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1676934272

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