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Scoializing for a bit is pretty cool.

| Attempting to change the way I see life, been great.

| Socialising for a bit is okay, but socialising as a bit is where it's at

| How many sex did you win


| Let's fucking go, OP!

| socializing is pretty pog but people can be ruthless sometimes

| >>f8360c
people can be ruthless sometimes because they can have bad days like we do or the vibe isnt right, but socializing is pretty pog, so go away me

| you got this!

| every now and then

| OP is based

| Yes! Social ice… nom :3

| its not that great. the average person will constantly talk over or cut you off because they care more about their opinions being heard than the conversation itself. Unless you are the average person, I guarantee that you will find yourself smiling and nodding or giving people the "that's crazy" for most interactions.

| >>942671 you need to get out more.

| True, but not dealing with people that feel like work to talk to is also pog

| >>6456cc

| >>942674
I'm out every day and this is what happens whenever I talk to someone.

| >>942705 damn...

| Talking does consume too many energies... I don't really the qte mechanic where the one who's invested the more time on talking™ gets to be rewarded more often since they've played a huge part of the game's maps(topics), and they'll keep make you look like a noob anytimw you'll try to say something or even when not.

| >>9298f9 just sounds like a bad conversation partner

| what i figured out is you would need to talk to enough people to find those you could resonate and by that time you are ready.

| Sure. Trying to join friend circles is so hell to me though, the anxiety is at the top. Either I feel no one really wants me there or you sit there with them laughing about their inside jokes you don't understand. I'm better off hanging out with 2-3 people.

| >>942963 yeah.

| >>942346 I prefer South korean Croissant with Hot chocolate made from Indian Milk and Belgium Chocolate served on Chinese Porcelain.. But sometimes when i don't have these or any other from 173 must-have annual breakfast list i like ice too, but i prefer it from Jostedal Glacier, Chimborazo or Ice-VII.. But Ice-VII is little overrated, but it's sure really nice to serve on meetings of Freemasonry, Bilderberg, Illuminati or any Jewish wedding.

| Be careful! Too much society exposure can make you mad and sad!

Total number of posts: 24, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1677183045

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