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Will having sex with the homies makes you gay?

| Asking for a friend.

| Not necessarily. It might make you bi.

| bis nuts

| >>941354 yeah just make sure to not cause any drama, or you'll be all bi-yourself! :D

| >>941364 heyoooo

| Homiesexual

| >>941364

it's only really gay if the balls touch

| >>6161e3 that's coward shit only weak men are afraid of being gay go all out and have full on gay sex with your homies and experience true bliss full balls touching and everything

| girls can't be gay, duh

| >>941448 my fellow lesbians, my funny fruits, fellow members of the alphabet mafia :P

| As a wise man once said, "I'm not gay, I have relationships with women, and sex with men"

| THats haram amidullah my brother

| >>941615
Great episode of SVU.

| I would mention the "bros before hoes" rule but i'm too lazy to make it work for g/u/rls

| >>942018
Besties over testies

| i hope it does, i need to be maximum gay

| >>941430 based

| it is not btw it just means that that yall are ride or die mfs. I give the upmost respect to the type of motherfucker to let the homie hit.

Total number of posts: 18, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1676574550

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