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Yo pref, how ya doin'?

| Are you still here? I haven't seen you for quite some time.

And how are the other higher-ups like Lain and the Maids doing?

| they give so little fucks about this website that the sql shat itself from lack of disk space a few days back

| Pref is ded

| Maids are doing well. :3

| >>941303 are the constant errors i get when either posting or changing pages have anything to do with that. not cloudflare errors but there's a bunch of text. idk about this stuff.

| I think they released a game recently, I do miss maids shitposting on the regular

| rapid shitposting to let your fans know you're still alive is peak

| >>941515 s-should I be doing that? ( ;~;)

| if I had to fuck marry kill I would fuck the maids (i hate them) kill pref and marry this board.

| the game they released is fun, but really fast

| theyre gonna close the site down any day imo.

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1676568545

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