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What's the most unsettling thing that you've experienced?


| dildo shoved up my ass that tore my asshole

| saw the stairs in the woods once got pretty spooked. just regular stairs leadin into nowhere standing there like its normal

| When I was six, my mom called the cops on me for asking for spaghettis. I was asleep in my bed in the middle of the night when I hear a loud bang, like a pot being dropped and come out to the living room to see my mom standing by the window, with just a huge pile of spaghettis all over the sill, and a pot on the ground, and I'm like "Are you gonna eat all that?" And ya'll she gets BIG MAD and yells at me and chases me to my room but then a little while later a bunch of cops show up

Total number of posts: 4, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1675981434

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