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I'm going to kill myself.

| Bye bye.

| do a flip~

| See you back here soon gurl <3

| >>940878 oki~
>>940879 see you.

| Pls report back the outcome when you do

| She's not going back.

| send nudes first!

| Earlier in my life i would have told you wait. Now i understand.

| Cute

| Lol cy@ dont come back

| OP, what about sex?

| Elona.

| she didn't do it, what a bitch~

| A friend I have from the psych ward killed herself recently and I'm only hoping it's better whatever it is after all this nonsense.

| >>941043 I'm sorry to hear that gurl. I hope that it is too.

| >>941043 that's so hot. did you masturbate over it?

| >>07c623 feelsbad, should of made really mediocre breakcore instead

| >>941416 i miss when my youtube music recommendations was filled with weird experimental breakcore now all i see is just people putting pads over a fast amen break and calling it a day.

Total number of posts: 18, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1676248535

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