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Best monster designs you know of

| Help me with my homework /u/ :) I'll have to design a creature but it's not my forte

| The closer from silent hill 3 is pretty cool

| Pick any two animals and re-arrange their body parts.

| elona

| slime girl

| Moon Presence is pretty sick

| Look up god eater aragami I think they're all pretty cool the designs vary from big thunder cat to quad tank with human skeleton sticking out the front

| I want to get mating pressed by Pyramid Head.

| Human

| >>940936 shut the FUCK up, mary

| legit sometimes I just make monsters by scribling and then reinterpreting parts of it into textures, disjointed body parts etc.
I usually end up with some shit from a SPORE creepy-pasta.

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1675906300

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