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How tf do you survive with inflation?

| I have 2 college degrees and still can just barely get by. Stuff cost more than double now than when I was a kid, how tf we suppose to live and get a house or apartment like this?

| I think.. it's either you work in the medical field or tech field. Any other field and it's just the pits for all of us

| Easily, i use deflation instead, it's best meta strat

| inflate my ass

| Learn how to penny pinch from NEETs.

Say goodbye to Netflix, steam, itunes, spotify. Never pay for your digital products. If it is not available on torrent just forget that it exists.

Stop eating out, cook for yourself, make your own coffee/tea. Seriously, people complain about expensive gas price but still buy shit at starbucks is baffling.

Forget about cars and take public transport.

Also forget about having kids.

| Oh also, delete your social media. Stop getting peer pressured in buying luxury products or vacation just to flex it on social media.

| ask filipinos

| you move out of the city and into a suburban/rural house with friends.

| Op how do you even afford two degrees in this economy? Is your job seriously not paying you well enough with that kind of qualification?

| >>c652ff based filipiono

| >>59e83d
The first one was paid though my dad being in the military, 2nd one paid for by me selling my car and a small loan. And yeah my jobs not super great, I'm still trying to find some place better

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1675646933

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