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when people say they have no friends i dont believe them

| people say it all the time and i see them hanging out with others. this was all haha funny until i saw that i was the friendless one. i don't even have internet friends, not even friends with my own cousins, been three years since someone last sent me a message, was never in a friend group

| I don't have friend either

| I have nothing but /u/

| Okay, you three are all now friends!

| Thankfully I have a good relationship with my parents so i would consider them friends. But I've only really hung-out with one person post high school(and probably during) that wasn't my family.
What would often happen on discord is that It would feel too disorganized to "break into" an ongoing conversation. It's easier for me to talk to someone when there is a mutual objective.
EX: you're on a sports team with someone,so you talk about how you'd improve at the sport.

Total number of posts: 5, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1675127742

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