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Employed gang wya

| How the fuck did I land a job in the first place.

| letting your boss fuck your mouth?

| same
best job i had moved to washington and i refused to move with it. been slacking off at my aunts store ever since, more or less.

| I'm about to give up on my job and go back to uni

| Huh, why?
I usually hear from people doing the opposite and I'm even thinking on not going to uni to begin with, life's too rough to waste 4 years without pay

| I am thinking about switching sides. I want to be rich and unemployed.

| what ARE those jobs, im jealous

| >>938435
mcdonald fry cook

| working 2 temp jobs and sub-letting my place to pay the bills.
at least I have some free time

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1674121711

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